This study is an international, open-label, pragmatic, patient-preference trial for patients with stage I triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and a high sTIL (stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes) score (defined as ≥50% for patients ≥40 years; ≥75% for patients <40 years) to evaluate whether adjuvant chemotherapy can be safely omitted.
Participating sites
Amphia Ziekenhuis
Catharina Ziekenhuis
Deventer Ziekenhuis
Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland
Haaglanden MC
Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis
Meander MC
Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei
Other Countries:
To assess whether adjuvant chemotherapy can be safely omitted in patients with pathological
stage I (pT1a/b/cN0) TNBC and a high sTIL score (defined as =50%; =75% for age <40 years)
with regards to the incidence of distant recurrence or death from breast cancer (optimisation
Main endpoint: Distant recurrence-free interval in the optimisation cohort (group without adjuvant chemotherapy).
Secondary endpoints:
Quality of life, fear of recurrence and worries about health, cost-effectiveness and other survival endpoints in the optimisation and control cohort (distant recurrence-free interval, invasive-disease free survival, distant relapse-free survival, recurrence-free interval, overall survival).
Eligibility Criteria
Main inclusion criteria:
Female or male patients (≥ 18 years).
TNBC (defined as: invasive carcinoma; ER/PR expression 0-9%; Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 [HER2] negative [0, 1+ or 2+ on immunohistochemistry, without HER2 amplification on in-situ hybridization]) on the diagnostic biopsy and the surgical specimen.
Pathological stage I TNBC (according to the TNM staging 8th edition) (27):
pT1a/b/c (=2 cm), confirmed by an invasive component of =2 cm on the surgical specimen (microinvasive disease [pT1mi, =1 mm) is not allowed).
pN0, confirmed by absence of malignant cells in the sentinel lymph node or any other lymph node after surgery (isolated tumor cells [N0(i+)] are not allowed).
No evidence of nodal or distant metastases (cN0M0) on preoperative imaging examinations (performed following local/national guidelines, but must include an 18Ffluorodeoxyglucose
positron emission tomography/computed tomography [18F-FDGPET/CT, at least from skull base to upper legs] or computed tomography [CT] of neck/chest/abdomen/pelvis [CT only if 18F-FDG-PET/CT would not be available; 18FFDG-PET/CT mandatory in the Netherlands]).
TIL score of =50% (=75% for patients <40 years) on an H&E FFPE tissue slide on the surgical specimen, according to International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group on Breast Cancer (formerly International TILs Working Group) guidelines, by local and central review.
Curative breast surgery (breast-conserving surgery or mastectomy and surgical axillary
staging [including at least sentinel lymph node procedure]).
Absence of recurrence between curative breast surgery and expression of patient preference.
Eligible for radiotherapy (if indicated).
Main exclusion criteria:
Prior disease history of breast cancer, or ongoing treatment for breast cancer.
Multifocal, multicentric or bilateral breast cancer at the time of screening.
Administration of neoadjuvant systemic therapy.
Presence of lymphovascular invasion on the diagnostic biopsy and/or the surgical specimen.